My Favorite Products and Techniques for Cleaning My Firearms

2022-01-04T16:47:36+00:00July 12, 2019|Categories: Ask the Expert, Guns and Gear, Heritage, Hunting, Outdoors, Shooting Sports, Uncategorized|

If you properly clean your guns, they will last for generations to come.

Trump Backs Plan to Open 1.4 Million Acres of Public Land to Hunters and Fishers

2022-01-04T16:47:38+00:00June 24, 2019|Categories: Heritage, Hunting, Outdoors, Uncategorized|

"The president fundamentally gets that hunters and anglers are the true conservationists in our society."

Colorado Parks and Wildlife Awards Development Grants to Eight Shooting Ranges

2022-01-04T16:47:38+00:00June 17, 2019|Categories: Heritage, Hunting, Outdoors, Shooting Sports, Uncategorized|

To qualify for the grant, a shooting range must demonstrate that their project would have a substantive public benefit.

Looking for a Vacation Idea? 10 Places for the Gun Enthusiast to Visit This Summer

2022-01-04T16:47:38+00:00June 13, 2019|Categories: Heritage, History, Hunting, Shooting Sports, Uncategorized|

When you're hitting the road this summer, be sure to plan to keep these destinations in mind.

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