By: Friedrich Seiltgen

Copyright © 2022

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ordered an immediate nationwide freeze on the sale, purchase, and transfer of handguns! In a recent press conference, “Immediate Action” was implemented by Trudeau because in his words, “When people are being killed, when people are being hurt, responsible leadership requires us to act.” “Recently again, we have seen too many examples of horrific tragedies involving firearms.” And, of course, “Our goal, over time, is to see the number of handguns, in our communities reduced.”

The freeze comes as the Canadian parliament is debating the passage of a gun control bill that was introduced in May. The bill includes the most restrictive gun control measures in Canadian history. Trudeau will not stop until there is a total ban on firearms ownership. In 2020, Canada passed gun control legislation that banned over 1,500 types of so-called “Assault Weapons.”

Anti-gunners are rejoicing at the freeze with the anti-gun group Canadian Doctors for Protection from Guns who say, “Reducing the proliferation of handguns is one important example of the evidence-based measures Canada needs to reduce gun violence and save lives.”

Anyone out there who thinks this is the end of actions against gun ownership is sorely mistaken. There’s always more control coming.

We know that many U.S. lawmakers wish they could just freeze handgun sales by executive order, but that could never happen in America. Never say never, folks! As you read this, U.S. citizens are being held in a D.C. gulag as political prisoners, violating the 6th & 8th amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

That’s all for now folks! Please keep sending in your questions, tips, and article ideas. And as always – “Let’s Be Careful Out There.”

Friedrich Seiltgen is a retired Master Police Officer with 20 years of service with the Orlando Police Department. He conducts training in Lone Wolf Terrorism Counterstrategies, Firearms, and Active Shooter Response. His writing has appeared in RECOIL,, The Counterterrorist Magazine, American Thinker, Soldier of Fortune, Homeland Security Today, and The Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International. Contact him at [email protected].