By: José Niño

On May 8, 2023, Vermont Governor Phil Scott signed legislation that would prohibit “paramilitary” or militia activity in the state.

In effect, the law bans an individual from demonstrating to, teaching, or training to anyone else the application, manufacturing of, or use of a firearm, explosive, or incendiary device with the capacity of causing injury or death that will be used in or to incite a civil disorder. It also prohibits an individual from organizing with others to engage in such instruction, practice, or training. Those found in violation of the law could face up to five years of prison time, be slapped with a $50,000 fine, or be subject to both.

Vermont is a peculiar state when it comes to gun rights. For nearly a century, Vermont was the only state with de facto Constitutional Carry — the idea that any lawful individual can carry a firearm without a permit. Vermont enjoyed this status because of a state Supreme Court ruling in 1903 that established unlicensed carry for over a century.

“Vermont Carry” — unlicensed concealed carry — was the Holy Grail of gun rights activists throughout the latter half of the 20th century. It wasn’t until the first two decades of the 21st century that states across the nation began embracing Constitutional Carry.

Despite once having a pro-gun image, Vermont has recently taken an anti-gun turn. In 2020, Gov. Phil Scott (R-VT) signed several gun control bills containing universal background checks, red flag gun confiscation orders, and restrictions on magazine capacity. This came in the wake of the anti-gun hysteria surrounding the Parkland massacre of 2018.

In correspondence with GPM, pro-gun journalist David Codrea commented on Vermont’s militia ban:

“Formerly NRA ‘A-rated’ Gov. Phil Scott’s latest betrayal has once more proven him to be the enemy inside the gates. It’s fair to wonder what Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys citizen militia would make of this ungrateful poltroon who spits on the sacrifices they made to win liberty from despots.”

Vermont’s militia ban is just the latest step in the state’s descent into anti-gun despotism. Militias are American as apple pie and serve as groups that both teach responsible gun ownership and provide a check against potential government tyranny. By banning such groups and their underlying activity, the Vermont state government is consolidating its power at the individual’s expense.

If lawful gun owners in the Green Mountain State are serious about restoring gun rights in their state, they would do everything possible to repeal this militia ban, among other arbitrary restrictions on their right to bear arms. Letting the gun controllers continue to gain ground is just asking for them to completely eviscerate our God-given freedoms.

José Niño is a freelance writer based in Austin, Texas. Contact him via Facebook, Twitter, or email him at [email protected]. Get his e-book, The 10 Myths of Gun Control, here.