By: Anthony Morelli

There is no limit to how low Joe Biden will stoop to accomplish his gun control agenda.

He saw an opportunity after one tragic mass shooting.

And controversy erupted after he blatantly took advantage of it for political purposes.

Rahm Emanuel, the former chief of staff to President Obama, famously said: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. And what I mean by that is an opportunity to do things that you think you could not do before.”

Anti-gun politicians have lived by that for decades, if not longer.

America is a vast country with over 300 million people. On any given day, there is going to be someone somewhere from sea to shining sea using a gun for a bad purpose.

It could be a mass shooting, although true mass shootings are thankfully rare. It could be gang violence, which is sadly much more common. But there is no way to guarantee that every single gun in this entire vast country will always be used with nothing but the best of intentions.

What is a guarantee, however, is that every time someone does use a gun for bad purposes, anti-gun politicians will rush to the scene and use the tragedy to demand more gun control.

And they will shame anyone who points to the fact that the vast majority of gun owners are not committing mass shootings or engaging in gang violence, and in many cases actually use their guns to stop these things.

According to Bearing Arms, “It’s almost standard for President Joe Biden to call for an assault weapon ban after a mass shooting, even when the killer didn’t use a firearm that would be banned under his pet legislation. For anti-gunners, that’s largely irrelevant. They want these guns prohibited anyway, so the president calling for a ban is normal.”

The article goes on to mention that Biden was referring to the shootings at UNLV and in Austin, Texas.

However, the article goes on to say, “You see, neither of these shooters used a so-called assault weapon. They both used handguns. In Austin, the alleged shooter used a 1911, most of which are going to hold fewer rounds than any magazine ban would mandate.

“When you’ve got someone who is interested in killing people, round capacity isn’t going to keep them in check.”

It’s worth pointing out that Columbine, perhaps the most famous mass shooting in American history, was also carried out with handguns, as it took place during the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004.

Mass shooters have no problem carrying out shootings with handguns. They also have no problem passing background checks, as most mass shooters aren’t your typical local drug dealer with a long rap sheet.

Red flag laws don’t work either, as they end up unjustly taking guns away from eccentric people who aren’t planning mass shootings.

That’s why some anti-gun politicians are finally supporting the thing they wanted in their hearts all along – a total repeal of the Second Amendment.