By: Kayleigh Hamilton

Gun grabbers will go to extreme lengths to take away guns – even breaking the law.

One group that advocates gun control got caught red-handed.

They committed serious crimes and now they will have to pay the price.

Gun control groups love participating in “buybacks” where they give out some sort of payment in exchange for people to hand over their guns.

Of course, these “buybacks” have little impact on anything, as the people who are actually willing to give up their guns in exchange for money typically are people who weren’t using their guns to begin with.

Gang members and mass shooters don’t see ads for gun buybacks and decide not to participate in gang activity or mass shootings so that they can collect a gift card.

But it makes people who hate guns feel really special, like they’re making a difference, so these buybacks keep popping up in different places.

But one group in New Mexico who participated in a buyback got caught committing some serious crimes in the process.

They were skirting the law in their efforts to take people’s guns away, and now their malfeasance has been exposed.

According to The Truth About Guns, a group called New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence “traded a bunch of gift cards for firearms like that, didn’t comply with state laws concerning transfers, didn’t destroy the firearms properly, and then did things like move them over state lines, gave them to kids at schools for ‘art’ projects, and otherwise escalated what would have been a state misdemeanor into both state and federal felonies.

“The group, of course, claims ignorance, but some recent public records sleuthing by the New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (NMSSA) reveals that ignorance isn’t quite the defense NMPGV think it is.

“It turns out that the group had been in touch with BATFE and got advice from them about how to avoid accidentally committing crimes when destroying and disposing of firearms.”

The fact that they got advice from the federal government about how to avoid breaking the law during these buybacks, and still couldn’t manage to do it, is truly insane.

The article continues, “What we don’t know is whether BATFE sent the group instructions for proper destruction along with this letter. But we do know that they were told to do a proper destruction job, which implies that there are ways to improperly destroy them.”

This is a hugely embarrassing moment for the gun control community in New Mexico, which has already had to deal with national outrage over their governor’s decision to unilaterally invalidate the Second Amendment in the city of Albuquerque.

Now they are dealing with a brewing scandal over one of their top gun control groups which decided that federal law didn’t apply to them and has now been exposed for committing felonies.

Perhaps all of these scandals will force gun grabbers in New Mexico to take a step back and clean up their own house instead of trying to destroy people’s Second Amendment rights.