By: Kayleigh Hamilton

This ingenious pro-gun idea to stop shootings is spreading like wildfire.

The anti-gun lobby was caught off-guard and doesn’t know how to stop it.

And now one state has passed this brilliant idea into law.

The gun control lobby has convinced many Americans, and most people in the media, that shootings happen because too many people carry guns, and that if gun rights were eliminated, shootings would stop.

They are increasingly being proven wrong, however, in their belief that the only way to stop shootings is to strip people of their rights.

In fact, there are many ways to stop shootings that have not yet been tried, mostly because the left continues to demand gun control and refuses to agree to anything else.

One of the most effective ways is to focus on the security of the school building itself. Many schools have inadequate security, and those are the ones that tend to get targeted.

However, if teachers themselves were permitted to carry guns, there would be a way of fighting back inside the building if someone came in seeking to do harm to people.

That is exactly the strategy that the state of Tennessee is implementing.

According to USA Today, “Tennessee Senate Republicans passed legislation Tuesday that would allow public K-12 teachers and school staff to carry concealed handguns on school grounds — despite vocal protests from Covenant School families and others seeking stricter gun-control measures.

Senate Bill 1325 allows Tennessee school faculty or staff to carry a concealed handgun on the grounds of their school. Tennessee law already allows school resource officers, assigned through an agreement between local school districts and law enforcement, to carry firearms on campus.”

Sadly, for one reason or another, resource officers are not present at every school. And at the schools where they are not present, the school is simply unprotected.

That’s why it is so important to have another layer of defense inside the building in case the nightmare scenario comes true.

“The measure passed in a 26-5 vote that fell along party lines. Discussion over the bill halted as a group of around 200 gun-reform advocates voiced their opposition in the Senate gallery, holding signs and snapping their fingers in support or hissing in dissent as Senators debated the bill.

“The school district’s director of schools, the school principal and the chief of the ‘appropriate’ law enforcement agency must sign off on a staff member’s authority to carry a concealed handgun.”

The fact that the anti-gun lobby came out in force to protest this shows that they aren’t serious about stopping shootings – they simply don’t like guns.

If there is an effective way to stop shootings available that doesn’t infringe on anyone’s rights, why wouldn’t they be on board with it?

It seems that their ideology is more important to them than the real-world consequences of the laws they are pushing.

Gun rights supporters don’t want shootings to happen. They just know that there are better ways to stop it than gun control.