By: Teresa Mull

As residents in the south prepare for the landfall and subsequent destruction Hurricane Florence is projected to bring, all is not doom and gloom.

User Ryan Stumpf has created a satirical Facebook event called “Shooting Guns at Hurricane Florence To Scare It Away.”

“More than 30,000 people have marked themselves attending [the event] — and 73,000 [it’s now up to 80,000] more said they are interested in having a shootout with the downpour of rain and strong gusts of wind,” The Charlotte Observer reports.

“Get your guns and your umbrellas,” the page reads. “And your umbrella-guns, and your beer, and your beer-guns, and your tiny umbrellas to keep your beer dry, and join people from all along the East Coast in scaring away Hurricane Florence to protect our country from this foreign invader!”

Despite Facebook’s strict anti-gun policy, the event page is still active and uniting many through humor. One user wrote that he just joined the event to read the comments.

“This s*** is hysterical. Some of these memes are golden. Don’t care what side of the aisle they are busting on. Funny is funny! Been so long since we could have a bi-partisan chuckle.”

The creator of the event also added as a note, “Do not actually discharge firearms into the air. You could kill someone and you cannot frighten a hurricane. I can’t believe I actually have to write this.”

Teresa Mull is editor of Gunpowder Magazine. Contact her at [email protected].